To My Son on His Graduation
Many of you have been reading this little blog of mine since it’s inception back in 2011. Shortly after I started the site, John started kindergarten. It was a sad, but exciting day. We all missed him but knew he was loving school. I’d only been blogging a month at that point so please don’t judge the writing or the photography.
Eight years ago, I wrote this post to John on his 10th birthday. It’s one of my top posts to this day.
If you follow along on Instagram or Facebook then you know we just celebrated such a special milestone as a family. John just graduated from Scituate High School and he’ll be attending Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) this fall and we’re so very very proud of him – you can see more photos from graduation.
As the boys have gotten older I’ve shared less and less personal things because I’m trying to respect their privacy, but I wanted to share a letter to John as you’ve all watched him grow up.
The beautiful photo below was captured by Alexa Houghton as John received his diploma.

To My Son on His Graduation
Dear John,
My little Johnny Bean, you did it! You graduated! We are all so very proud of you!
I thought I would be a mess at graduation, crying my eyes out, but when you came into Scituate High School’s football stadium smiling and waving all I could do was smile too.

Only now, as I sit here quietly on this rainy day, droplets of salt water mimic the rain outside, slowly streaming down my face. These aren’t tears of sadness, simply salt water flowing from me in gratitude. I feel so very lucky that of all the babies in the world I’m so glad you’re ours.
I can’t believe how quickly 18 years have gone by. I remember being heavily pregnant with you and on the way hospital, wondering just what you’d be like. In my wildest dreams I couldn’t have dreamed up YOU!
Overcoming Obstacles
I remember our long walks around Newton – three hours walking to get you to nap. At the time, I didn’t know you had ADD. Nor did I know when you couldn’t nap at nap-time, rather you’d roll in your shark blanket around the kindergarten classroom.
I remember wondering why some teachers couldn’t see the gift that you are! But then you found teachers, mentors, who truly DID see your beautiful mind, your amazing artistic talent, and your gentle heart.
Facing Fears
You are such an amazing person. I love how you face your fears head on. You overcame a lisp with the help of a speech pathologist at school and you finally built up enough courage to audition for the musical this year and you got a lead!

You sparkled on that stage and made us laugh. I couldn’t believe how great you were as Mr. Wormwood in Matilda. Daddy and I were like, “That’s our son!”
A True Friend
It was an honor to hear the difference you made to your fellow classmates at the drama banquet. Friends saying how much you helped them when they needed you. How you lead by example and help mentor your peers. Outside of drama, I know you’ve been there for other friends when they are going through big, heavy times. Always, a support to so many.
Unapologetically You
You know who you are! You are unapologetically you! You are so funny. I love all the voices and accents you can put on. You have a great sense of style and put outfits together with lovely panache. You have a love for jewelry and beauty. You love D & D, storytelling, and of course, art! But more about the art later. You love thrifting, old things, and Halloween.

At 18 you don’t feel pressure to conform to what “normal” is and I think you know yourself better than many adults. Please never change that! Always be confident in who you are and you will go far in this world. Many people are too afraid to be themselves.
The Greatest Big Brother
When we brought Conor home we made a big deal about you being a big brother. You’ve always watched over Conor, set a wonderful example, and I love the love you both have for each other.

A Great Teacher
Last summer you spent some time helping out at Little House of Arts and you treasured time with the kids, seeing creativity through their eyes. I think this helped reignite your love for art. Pirate Day was a favorite and I love this image of you!

The Artist
John, I look up to your artistic ability. I’m always asking for your input and advice in my own art. It’s been a joy to watch you grow as an artist and also collaborate in our online shop together.
I love how you take risks with your art. How, often times, you add humor to your paintings and drawings. Watching you paint and draw is mesmerizing. I’m in awe of your natural talent but also the hard work you’ve put into becoming a better and better artist.

The Start of a New Adventure
Now a new adventure begins. You’re off on your own to discover new friends, new art techniques, and a new city – Providence at Rhode Island School of Design.

We will be here cheering you on as you create and grow and become an even more amazing person and artist!
You’re off to Great Places!
Dr Seuss – Oh, the places you’ll go!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So… get on your way!
What an Honor
It has been an honor to watch you grow from a baby to a man. I am so grateful for all the times we’ve had together and am so excited as you head off on your way!

Congratulations on your graduation! We are so very proud of you!
Mom xx
Let’s Stay in Touch
Did you have a teen graduate this year? Let me know.
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Congratulations on your son’s graduation. Such emotions! My middle daughter struggled with ADD and now owns a hair salon in Boston, she too was an artist and still is. So many kids with that disability our gifted in the arts, what a blessing. I’m sure you son will do big things at RISD. Enjoy his ride
Thank you, Kimberly, yes, I was blubbering writing this. I loved hearing more about your daughter. I always told John it’s his super power. They have so many brilliant ideas going on all the time! We’re so excited for him. xx
You & your husband should be very proud not only of John’s accomplishments but your own as well. You turned out a fine young man who has a good head on his shoulders and will continue to make you proud. Both of your boys are the product of your love and dedication to helping them be the best they can be in their journey to discovering themselves.
Enjoy the summer with your graduate!
Thank you for the kind comments, Diane. We feel very lucky to have John and Conor. They are wonderful young men. We have some exciting things planned for the summer at home. xx
I am totally in agreement with Diane’s comment. So much has been accomplished by you and John, just imagine what is to come. Wonderful!
Thank you, Sandra. He truly is so talented and just as nice. We can’t wait to see where this journey takes him! xx
Danielle, Beautiful letter to your son. All I read was a mama’s loving heart. As mama’s, of course we want them to grow up and find their place in the world but….if we “could” turn back the clock and do it all over again….in a heart beat we would!!! John, Congratulations!!! Enjoy your time at discovering all the possibilities where your art can take you for a career you can truly enjoy. And remember, if you do what you love, you will never feel like you worked a day in your life. Danielle….After the shock wears off, you might even… Read more »
Josette, I was crying writing it. I just love him and Conor so much and I’m so proud of them. I do miss the days of littles (when we’d spend the WHOLE day at the beach) but I also really love times together now. They’re both so funny. Great advice for John. Oh, and your home is exploding with creative supplies and shop inventory. Ha! Ha!
Congratulations on your son’s achievement! HS graduation is a special milestone. I was in your seat 4 yrs ago at SHS! The class of 2020 had unique challenges! I can share that the pride you feel now will only be multiplied when he finishes college. I am heading to my son’s college graduation this month and I am inspired to write a similar letter to him! Hope to see you at your open house!