Wasn’t it Friday Yesterday?

TGIF!!!  It has been one of those weeks for me….

We all have the sniffles and coughs in our house and my head is feeling fuzzy.  The kids haven’t been sleeping well which means Luke and I haven’t been sleeping well either.  I’ve missed my early morning yoga class twice in a row this week and we all know how yoga makes me that much happier.

On top of all that, I’ve been dealing with Conor the Terrible of Terrible Two – Land!  My sweet, innocent little munchkin is in the terrible twos big time.  He was ready to go out in the yard like this and it was freezing out:

He stomped, he cried, he kicked his legs high.  Hate in his eyes because I wouldn’t let him go out in the yard in MY boots and his diaper.  All this while Benny the elf watched on.  That elf just doesn’t work in my house…
Then yesterday morning I spent running around after him at BJs or trying to carry my squirmy wormy while pushing a trolley full of paper towels, Puffs Plus and assorted snacks for the kids.  I had to get out of there when a woman told me how she thought the trolley was going to fall on top of him.  When we got home and I’d unloaded the car, he got into the markers and drew magenta marker all over his face.  All over, even the back of his neck.  It almost looked like he had slashes on his face.  Into the bath he went, but it didn’t all come off.  Oh, well.
Afterwards he said, “Soddy.”  How can I get mad at him after such a sweet, heartfelt apology?
Marker Man!
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13 years ago

That pic with the boots is hilarious! I think my son’s 3’s were worse than the 2’s…..good luck with that! 🙂

13 years ago

omg I just saw my little blog button on your sidebar! You are the first person I have seen put that on their site!!!! Thank you so much!!! 🙂

13 years ago

Yes, the terrible twos. Hopefully he’s better this weekend. Hopefully you get some clicks through from my site.

13 years ago

Our went through a phase (well, she’s not quite “through” it yet) of a game I like to call “What Oriface Next?” with all the markers. She managed to find one even when I was sure I had put them all up out of her reach. I suspect the older ones were abetting her 😉