The Whole 30

Today I had wanted to share a gorgeous furniture Before & After.  It is Monday after all, but that will have to wait.  Sorry.  Today I have to share this!

Luke and I are starting the Whole 30.

keep calm and whole 30

On Friday, I shared with you my word for 2015 is Nurture. To Nurture myself I must to take care of my body.  So we are starting the year off with fresh eyes and a fresh look at what we’re putting in our bodies.

I try to always be positive on my blog, but now I’m going to share some not so positive things…

I am obsessed with food.  I think about it all the time.

Pizza & Ice Cream are my favorite foods. If I was on a desert island and could only have these foods I’d be fine. I don’t eat them all the times, BUT in our house Friday is pizza night and we always have ice cream in the freezer or go out and get ice cream cones at Nona’s Homemade.

Growing up in my house we’d always have pizza on Friday nights. My dad, worked for Brigham’s, an ice cream company in Massachusetts.  EVERY night my dad would eat a bowl of ice cream at 10pm.  On school vacation weeks I’d help my dad at work and EVERY day he’d take me over to the plant and we’d eat ice cream straight from the machines before it was hard packed into gallons.  It tasted like heaven. I think I got my love of ice cream from my dad.

When I was in 7th grade my parents bought a restaurant.  It was a fabulous place where many people gathered for social occasions around food.  That same year I tore the ligaments in my ankle (I still remember my dad throwing me over his shoulder at the local carnival and being so embarrassed).  I was in a cast for over a month.  In August of that year I had bunions removed and was layed up for a few months.  I continued to eat like an active 11 year old – chips, snacks etc and I packed on weight.  No one told me this would happen. Sigh.

Living in a restaurant also didn’t help.  My summers home from college was restaurant food ALL THE TIME. We’d eat late – 9:30 / 10pm at night once everyone else had eaten.  This also wasn’t good for the waist line, but I was pretty active running in the mornings and also up and down three flights of stairs while waitressing.

In high school, I did crazy things.  Partly because my dad had a stroke.  I thought by cutting all the fat out of my diet that would somehow help me.  I cut out all protein and all fat.  I wouldn’t eat meat or oils.  I then started eating power bars, steamed veggies and salads thinking that way I’d know the calorie counts etc.  I lost weight but didn’t have much energy.  My hair was falling out and I came down with mono.  My mom said I had to start eating properly again.

College brought the freshman 15. Mount Holyoke College had milk and cookies (M & C’s) every night at 9:30pm.  I went down EVERY night for these.  This didn’t help with the freshman 15.

I’m 5 ft tall.  I’ve heard I look taller on my blog and you can’t imagine how happy this makes me! Being vertically challenged can be hard.  I’m not just talking about reaching high cabinets or finding jeans the right length (for some reason “short” jeans are too long), but if I put on 5 lbs it looks like I’ve put on 30 lbs.  I guess there is no place for the weight to go. So I’ve always struggled.

When I had John, our first, I lost the weight right away.  I actually lost too much because my metabolism went crazy.  Since I didn’t know many young mothers in the area, John and I would go for long walks – 3 hour walks. I was eating normally but the pounds kept melting off. I went down to 97 lbs and clothes just hung on me.  So this weight was too low.  I secretly hoped after having Conor this same thing would happen.

The thing is, I have steadly gained weight since losing the weight after having him.  I’ve been scratching my head trying to figure out why.

I walk the dog EVERY day.  I go to HOT Yoga 4 times a week.

I had a physical and everything came back fine, but I don’t feel good. I asked the doctor if your metabolism slows down at 37 and he said yes.

My skin is breaking out.  The scale says my weight is higher than ever. My clothes don’t fit.

My yoga pants are actually rolling at the top which makes me so sad.  I’m so embarrassed to admit that to all of you.  This has never happened before.


For a while now I’ve been convincing myself that my clothes have shrunk or the scale is wrong, but after reading these posts by Marian and Allison, I know I have to nurture my body.  How can I nurture and take care of my family otherwise?

Luke has also had the same struggle.  He ran his first half marathon and thought the training would help him lose the weight.  He didn’t lose a pound.  He feels tired all the time.

SO, what are we going to do?!?

Whole 30

Inspired by my friends and success stories on the Whole 30, we’re going to do this for a month to start.  It isn’t a diet, it is a way of life.  We are going to eat food, real food, healthy food and start caring for our bodies from the inside out.

For 30 days there will be:





The added sugar in ALL the food and drinks we consume is making us fat and unhappy.  I’m ready to give up my beloved pizza and my beloved ice cream to make me happy.

For 30 days (and maybe more) of:





We are actually really excited to feel better.  If you’d like to join us, I’ll be sharing our journey on Facebook and Instagram. Hopefully I’ll have a positive post to share at the end! So wish us luck! x

Fresh Fruit

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10 years ago

Yes, you go girl! I am also 5ft and have been through all of this but last year I started what looks like the “wholesome 30” I have lost weight – went from a size 14 to a size 4 and feel better then I have in my whole life and I am much older then you. I exercise everyday (walk at least 45 min) nothing creazy and have lost the cravings – sleep better and have so much energy my family is ready to put me on Ridlin! I still enjoy cooking but not baking. Food has never tasted… Read more »

10 years ago

I read Marion’s post last week also and decided to start the Whole 30 and read Made to Crave. The book is awesome and is really speaking to my heart. Right now I’m in the midst of a horrific headache but I know that this too shall pass. I will be praying for you and your husband while you are on this journey. I’m so excited to see the changes it brings for me and my family!

Beverly Bielewicz
Beverly Bielewicz
10 years ago

Best of luck with the whole 30. I did my first last September and gearing up to begin another; but I’ll probably wait until Monday to squeeze in one last martini! (I mean the great Sunday cook-up) Get ready for lots of questions from your inquisitive boys. I felt great, but it’s weird to wrap your head around healthy meat protein, lots of eggs for me and boy did I miss cheese. I highly recommend subscribing to the daily emails. They were a huge help. You are lucky to have your husband partner with you. My family was definitely not… Read more »

10 years ago

Hi Danielle- I give you so much credit for taking care of yourself ~ we all struggle with food, and I am so happy to hear about Whole 30 – I didn’t know this existed. I know my husband will be happy to know I will be doing this. He is such a great guy and he is always making sure he is putting only the best in his stomach, you would think I would have learned something about eating after living with him for 35+ years. I know how you feel, FOOD it just tastes so good. But I… Read more »

10 years ago

i loved reading this! i have struggled before and made poor choices, too. i feel like at this point in my life (similarly aged to you- i am 36) i just need to make the choices that keep me feeling great and energetic. looking great will just be a bonus. 🙂 and you can tell luke i gained weight the last few weeks of training…. i think i was nervous about not eating enough so i overcompensated. then the holidays came and i was like… one last hurrah!

Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

Weight is such a complicated thing! Whether you are overweight or underweight. I’ve spent most of my life being underweight and if you could have granted me just one wish, it would have been to GAIN weight. I know that sounds funny to most people, but it is just as hard to gain weight when you are at the other end of the scale. Same feelings about your body………but skip to many years later, after having had 3 boys of which one is special needs and had feeding problems, plus hitting 50, I too have started putting on weight. I’m… Read more »

10 years ago

Good luck, Danielle! I am also facing a change in metabolism due to advancing age as well as low energy and am trying to eat better foods as a way to address it. It is not easy, especially when children are in the house! But we are doing them a favor as well as ourselves! Looking forward to following your journey.

10 years ago

Good Luck, Dani and Luke! My goal for this year is to be healthy too. I have been very lucky with weight that I don’t gain weight but the bad thing about that is I feel like I can eat whatever I want. Rice and sugar are the hardest things for me to give up. I like to pretend I drink a cup of coffee every morning but it really is just half and half and sugar with a hint of coffee. It is so bad. As I am getting older, I do start to feel more tired from not… Read more »

10 years ago

Thank you for sharing and your honesty. It’s hard to talk about eating habits and weight gain and like you, most of us love food. I an 62 and 5’4″ and have steadily put on weight since I was 30. I always walked to work (25 minutes each way) in all weather( I live in Canada) but it wasn’t enough to stave off my weight creeping up. When I was in my late 40’s, I started going to a gym in addition to walking. I can say that strength training was eye-opening for me. It suited my body type as… Read more »

10 years ago

We got this!!! I have never made it past week 2 on the Whole30 but I’m so excited to have company this time.

10 years ago

Good luck! I’m looking forward to reading how it goes. I prefer to eat as much whole food as possible also, but I’m not sure I could cut whole grains or dairy.

Jennifer@The Chronicles of Home

Wishing you so much success with this, Danielle! I’m actually posting a Whole 30 breakfast recipe tomorrow 🙂 I’m noticing lately how much harder it is for me to trim down around the middle, which is tough to take since that was always my easiest spot to firm up. I’ll be hitting 37 in a couple months. Metabolism…grrrrr……

10 years ago

Hi DANIELLE! Oh my gosh you live in Scituate and your dad worked for Brighams!!!! I grew up on Brighams and it is still my favorite ice cream. The last shop I know that was open was in Hingham and that is now closed too. You are one lucky girl!!!

Good luck with your new food plan!!!

Larain Shannon
10 years ago

Wow I was so mean’t to read your blog today. I have not heard about The Whole 30. Does this come with recipes? I have just today picked up a package at the Post Office containing my first vintage (but new) dress. Looking at the waistline and thinking no way. Well there is no way, I have the choice of sending it back or trying The whole 30. I love the dress so it looks like decision is made. I am ever so much taller 5’2″ and have to wait for tall people at supermarkets to help me get that… Read more »