
Winter Dining Room

Warm up your dining room with these simple decorating ideas from our winter dining room.

I always find this time of year a little challenging with home decor. Gone are the festive fairy lights and Christmas trees of the holidays and it’s really too early for beautiful, fresh flowers. As I type this with a cup of tea and flickering candle, it’s just too cold do go outside. It’s 7°F and windy. Even our black lab, Poppy, doesn’t understand this weather and why I won’t let her outside. Today I’m excited to share our winter dining room.

So how do you make your home feel warm and inviting in winter?

pine hutch with antiques

Simple Decorating Ideas for Winter

I’m going to share all my tips in this post!

Flickering Candle Light

Candles have a way of warming up a room. I love watching the flame dance. I found these pretty Indigo votives at a thrift shop back in the spring and love how the color makes our room feel happier. The punches of blue really create a lovely contrast against the wood shelf and white walls. They also highlight the pretty landscape painting my friend Becky of The Pink Frame painted.

Hutch decor - tulips and votive candle holders
Shelf styled with ironstone

Layering Plants

Can you believe these tulips are faux? I’ve had them for a few years and originally got them from Balsam Hill. They look so realistic and love the wooden vessel they’re in. I often use these in our home during January into the spring. Also, on the shelf is a real Pothos. It’s one of my favorite plants. I hardly do anything to look after it except dust the leaves and water once a week.

Welsh Dresser styled with ironstone and shells

Vintage Lighting

Speaking of flickering lights, I love our vintage brass and crystal chandelier. It always reflects the light so beautifully. I clean the crystals with a mixture of cleaning vinegar, water and a little dish soap.

Brass chandelier

I always think of the film Pollyanna when I look at that crystal drops.

Coastal Elements

We live in Scituate Harbor so the ocean is never far from my mind. I love using shells in a simple ironstone plate or bringing in collected treasures from our daily beach walks with the dogs.

Plate of shells

A sprinkle of shells and coral always makes me smile. The shells in the ironstone platter were from Scout Vintage and the Ghost wood is from HomeGoods.

Beach treasures and ironstone
Sailboat photograph

I couldn’t resist this vintage sailing photograph. I found it back in the fall out antiquing with my mom. Isn’t it wonderful.

Adding Old Furniture with Character

Our dining room is filled with character-filled pieces – the Welsh dresser, the dining table my husband built (see the reveal here) and this sweet little cabinet.

Pretty painted cabinet

I store all our candles, napkins, place mats, votives and entertaining items in here. It’s a really hard working piece! Not bad for a $20 yard sale find that I painted with Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint. See the makeover here.

Pretty cabinet

Decorating with a Collection

I LOVE Ironstone! I’ve collected it for years and just love how it looks in our dining room BUT I also love that we use it on a daily basis. I use it for serving food or as vessels for plants and flowers and also use it to corrale other collections – like all my shells!!!!

This piece is a new find – I got it the three piece set for $6.99 at Savers!


On the same trip I also found an Ironstone gravy boat, which is on the the hutch.

I think collections look best when they are displayed together – on our Welsh Dresser or across the table.

Setting the table with ironstone
Pine hutch with ironstone, indigo votives and shells

I love how the pottery reflects the winter light.

Dining Room in winter

Do you want to start collecting Ironstone? If so, I wrote a post about it here.

More about Ironstone

  • Ironstone started in England in the 19th Century. It is a very strong pottery but does not contain iron. It got the name for its strength and durability.
  • It is not porcelain it’s made out of porous earthenware.
  • Patented in 1813 by Charles James Mason in Staffordshire, England.
  • It is collectable and pristine pieces can go for in the thousands of dollars, but I’m more drawn to pieces that are imperfect and show crazing.
  • Ironstone is heavy and often has makers marks on the bottom but some does not.
  • It was so popular in the 1800s that some was produced here in the United States in New Jersey.
  • Vintage ironstone should be hand-washed.

Where to Find Ironstone

  • Yard Sales
  • Thrift Stores and Antique Shops
  • Friends
  • Online via Etsy, eBay and other online retailers
  • Flea Markets

I’ve found Ironstone in all of the above places. If you’d like more information on decorating with antiques and vintage you might like this post.


I often find it hard to fully share our dining room with you in photos because our rooms are small but we have the most glorious dark wood columns. I thought I’d share a little video to show you!

I hope you enjoyed this post and it gave you some ideas for decorating your dining room in winter! If you’d like a full source list, let me know and I’ll add it at the bottom of the post.

Winter dining room

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Nan, Odessa, DE
Nan, Odessa, DE
3 years ago

Just love your style! You mix the old so well with your coastal style.
I am jealous of your table on the sun porch.
Tell me are you forcing the tulips, are the faux?
If pitched faux any hints where to buy will be appreciated!
Like you I enjoy the shine, reflection of he crystals. I guess many little girls who saw the movie carries on this joy!

Judy Coggins
Judy Coggins
3 years ago

Your home is so beautiful and inviting. I’ve collected ironstone for many years and just last week I put a big part of my collection of pitchers on top of my hutch. They look wonderful all grouped together. Thanks for sharing your collection.

Carolyne and David and Kulbaba
Carolyne and David and Kulbaba
3 years ago

Carolyne, Canada

Love that your home changes the tablescapes, vignettes and décor to complement the holidays and the seasons. Your articles are very informative and have learned so many techniques.

Carolyne K
Carolyne K
3 years ago

Hi Danielle, Thank you for your kind words. January here is particularly cold and snowy and it is not uncommon to have temps as cold as -45 C (-49 F) Although we like the coziness of indoors, we embrace outdoor activities and a favourite activity is s family skate on a frozen pond, .or cross country skiing on a snow covered field. Take good care. 🙂

3 years ago

I think I have said it before but worth repeating. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your bare wood woodwork.

3 years ago

Hi Danielle, Oh!!! I bet your heart was just ready to burst out of your chest at Savers!!! That’s how I get…crazy. Good find. I spied with my little eye the little custard cups on the second shelf. They look just perfect there…right at home. I hope you never change out your blue dresser in the dining room. It always looks so perfect there and it seems to be a useful piece for you. LOVE it!!! How do you get your dogs to go out for potty with all that snow? We can have a light dusting and he holds… Read more »

Amber D Ferguson
3 years ago

Very pretty!

3 years ago

Great Savers find, Danielle! I love ironstone too. And my favorite jeans are from Savers. Now I just have to lose the quarantine weight I’ve gained over the last 2 years so that I can fit into them again! Until then, thank goodness for yoga pants! 🙂

3 years ago

I just watched your IG Stories featuring Mayflower Mercantile. I have to make it down there sometime soon! The tea set is precious! Score!

Debra Hubbs
Debra Hubbs
3 years ago

I love your home. Love that Welsh dresser, Ironstone, and shell collection. I have some Ironstone and plan to get more. I also collect shells, have a ton of those lol. Your dining room always looks beautiful. I love your style.

3 years ago

Love how you mix old and new! Your home has such a cozy personality while keeping updated. Thank you for the many ideas. I would like to start mingling some stoneware into my dining room while keeping my mother’s china dishes. You’ve given me inspiration!

3 years ago

Love this tour of your space! Could you share the source for your dining chairs??