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How to Paint Watercolor Seascape (Hearts)

This is a fun idea for Valentine's or any time of year! Perfect beginner painting project!
Active Time15 minutes
Keyword: painting tutorial, seascapes, watercolor tutorial
Yield: 1 painting
Author: Danielle Driscoll


  • 1 Hair Dryer optional (to speed up drying time)


  • 1 piece watercolor paper I used Canson XL
  • 2 containers clear water
  • 3 brushes size 4 & 6 round, squirrel mop
  • 1 pencil
  • 1 kneaded eraser
  • 1 palette

Watercolor Paints

  • 1 tube Payne's Gray
  • 1 tube Indigo
  • 1 tube Cobalt Blue
  • 1 tube Burnt Sienna
  • 1 tube Raw Sienna


  • ​​Cut out heart shape. I found my heart shape online and downloaded it.
  • Lightly trace the heart on your watercolor paper. Take a kneaded eraser and tap on the lines to make them lighter.
  • Starting with the sky lightly wet the paper. Create clouds using a "wet on wet" technique. I used a watery mixture of blue and gray to create the subtle clouds.
  • Then move onto the rocks using the browns and gray paints mentioned. Work in layers to build up texture on the rocks. Also, soften and blend paint toward the bottom of rocks to create shadows.
  • Make sure the rocks are dry before moving onto the water.
  • Using a mixture of indigo, cobalt and a hint of gray create the water. I finished off the painting by bringing the waves into a heart shape at the bottom.



If you want to create the look of crashing waves you can add gouache or acrylic white paint once dry or you could use masking fluid to create the look of splashes.
These are fun for Valentine's - scan them in and print them to create cards or affix painted heart to a box of chocolates for a special gift. 
You could also paint any setting within the heart.